Rigging Toolbox
After Rigging for some time you quickly realise how repetative some tasks can be, whether it be creating guide curves, mirror matching multiple objects, replicating with specific names etc etc. These are the time consuming tasks that this tool is based around. So far, the features include :
Specific Axis Constraining (global and local, and ability to mix axis' that are being constrained)
Transform Matching (global and local, mixing of axis' and ability to reverse values)
Object Selection History
Muscle Creation ( Creates a stretchable/squashable flexy muscle)
Null Replication ( Always a pain if you have a specific naming convention to adhere to )
Control Curve Generation ( I always prefer to generate my own control curves as apposed to using the XSI one, this gives me the parameters i need and generates the control curve to my specs)
Path % Replication (Takes a value and replicates an object along the path with even spreading)
Color Indexing (changes the color of any selected object, or uses that color for any replication tasks)
Limb Building ( Has the functionality to build an IK/FK spine, builts arms with fairly decent wrist rotation as well as legs ... more limbs to come, this is where straight forward rigging is really speeded up)
I am also thinking about porting this to maya now that i work in that also... watch this space.